Monday, 14 January 2008


I'm writing this with Libby and David at my side. Mum made me promise to keep this thing going while she was ill. I'm only doing this for you. I went to the doctor today to try to get some Tamiflu. Our doctor's practice is normally superb but today it was chaotic. Of the five partners three are the mothers of young children and are unable (unwilling?) to come to work and one of the men has come down with flu. I couldn't get to see anyone and the woman at the desk, who seemed to be a patient herself, told me that there was no Tamiflu for the public as they were being used by key workers - who the hell are they? Mum is getting sicker by the hour. She won't let us into her room.


Love you mum


Kick ass mum



Anonymous said...

Hopefully, if 'Mum' dies the blog won't end......

(Sounds so surreal saying that!)

Anonymous said... pointed me over here. Really glad I stopped by. I've bookmarked you and will visit often. Thanks. David

Anonymous said...

Wonderful. Well, good writing, not so wonderful topic.

Really good and thought provoking though. Keep up the great work. Has to be emotionally draining though when you get attached to characters.

Anonymous said...

It's been quiet for too long. That can't be the end?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your support. It has made a huge difference to know that I'm not going through this nightmare on my own.